Eye of the Storm: To be at the center of or deeply involved in an especially difficult, stressful, or hectic situation or period of time In the last few weeks, Carter Sales and Operations team has been in constant contact with our automotive industry clients. These conversations shed light on the industry’s current state, as well as some of the unknowns there. Questions we have fielded during this time include: How are you planning to manage inventory in this uncertain environment? How are you collaborating with OEMs and sub-tier suppliers? What are the permanent changes to product development, manufacturing operations, logistics, and workforce that may result from the coronavirus? In this episode, Richard DeBoer Carter’s VP of Sales & Marketing sat down with Carter’s Southeast Market Sales Manager, Ted Bowley, and discussed the state of the automotive supply chain during these unprecedented times. During this podcast, Ted will explain in great detail: The effect of COVID-19 on the Automotive Supply Chain How to navigate and plan through the unknown The importance of being proactive and reactive when facing uncertainties What Carter has implemented with our customers to prepare for manufactures reopening their facilities
Eye of the Storm: To be at the center of or deeply involved in an especially difficult, stressful, or hectic situation or period of time
In the last few weeks, Carter Sales and Operations team has been in constant contact with our automotive industry clients. These conversations shed light on the industry’s current state, as well as some of the unknowns there.
Questions we have fielded during this time include:
In this episode, Richard DeBoer Carter’s VP of Sales & Marketing sat down with Carter’s Southeast Market Sales Manager, Ted Bowley, and discussed the state of the automotive supply chain during these unprecedented times. During this podcast, Ted will explain in great detail: